
Monday 24 July 2017


On the holidays my family went rock climbing The first thing I needed to do was get this strap around my waste. The first wall I climbed on was this dinosaurs bones I got all the way to the top then I went all the way down really fast. The second wall I climbed was a jungle it was so high it felt like I was flying. Then me and my cousin found a very dark room I could still see but not very well I climbed to the top then saw one more but a couldn’t get a very good grip after that little more time skating wall and Shopping one. Then we went somewhere to eat I forgot what it was called We climbed one more wall and it was huge I was climbing and my mum was holding the rope so I wouldn’t fall and break any bone in my body. I climbed to the very top and touch the roof. When I got down we got in the car the my mom were talking and laughing about other stuff and me and my cousins just played on the XBOX ONE.

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